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Showing posts from June, 2017

How to make a animation

How to Make a Cartoon Yourself: Top 7 Animated Video Makers Compared Video production is not an easy and cheap matter. A short video for your YouTube channel or website  may cost  several thousand dollars if you address to professional video studios. No doubt, there are free and low-cost alternatives which can be easily mastered by any web user. A self-made cartoon or an animated video is one of the options. ANIMATED VIDEO MAKERS: PROS & CONS Animated videos are illustrations existing in a purely fictional world. They don’t have actors, set and stages. But this doesn’t prevent then from telling great stories. Animated cartoons are frequent on YouTube, since everyone can make them with online tools and ready design templates. The templates include characters, scenery, voices, music and sound effects. You can even cartoonize yourself. Marketers, freelancers and business owners can easily tailor the styles for their own needs. ...

creating a ball animation

There is one animation that every beginner must master before ever moving on to more complex animations:  The ball bounce . The same techniques and principles that are applied to a ball bounce can be incorporated into any other animation no matter how complex. The ball bounce is the foundation for all other animations, so it's extremely important that you know how to properly animate a ball bounce. In this article you will learn step-by-step how to create a believable ball bounce in  Maya  (if you're not using Maya, there are still plenty of tips and techniques to use in your software of choice).  Setting up the scene  To get started the first thing you will want to do is open up your Animation Preferences located at the bottom right of Maya.     Once opened make sure that you have the Time Slider selected under the categories panel. Under Playback make sure your Playback speed is set to Real-time [24 fps]. After you've done that, go to animation...

Maya: A Ball Bounce

There is one animation that every beginner must master before ever moving on to more complex animations:  The ball bounce . The same techniques and principles that are applied to a ball bounce can be incorporated into any other animation no matter how complex. The ball bounce is the foundation for all other animations, so it's extremely important that you know how to properly animate a ball bounce. In this article you will learn step-by-step how to create a believable ball bounce in  Maya  (if you're not using Maya, there are still plenty of tips and techniques to use in your software of choice).  Setting up the scene  To get started the first thing you will want to do is open up your Animation Preferences located at the bottom right of Maya.     Once opened make sure that you have the Time Slider selected under the categories panel. Under Playback make sure your Playback speed is set to Real-time [24 fps]. After you've done that, go to animation ...